„Pentru mine Corul Radio înseamna rampa de unde m-am lansat spre înaltimi la care visam demult. Iata de ce îi voi ramâne mereu recunoscator si niciodata nu-I voi uita sonoritatile de atunci, inegalabile.”
D.D. Botez (23 aprilie 1975)
„Corul Radioteleviziunii, un concert de muzica contemporana româneasca, ce a purtat însemnele unui eveniment cu totul deosebit în configuratia generala a stagiunii”
Actualitatea Muzicala
„Un cor devine un simbol al unitatii, al disciplinei, al colectivitatii umane care-si aduna manunchi, fortele, pentru a cânta viata, oamenii, idealurile, frumusetea. Cu aceste gânduri întâmpin Corul Radio eminenta noastra formatie muzicala”
Ion Dumitrescu
„How beautiful and extraordinary was it to listen to your magnificent performance of my composition „Sephardic Passion”. The choir, in all its departments, demonstrated superb technical ability as well as unusual spiritual qualities. I wish zou all a very happy new year and thank you again for your great achievement.”
Noam Sheriff
„Sending you many congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Radio Romania Choir, and many thanks for your wonderful contribution to our performances of the Beethoven Ninth with the Israel Philharmonic. It was a great pleasure to work with you and the Choir in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this week.”
James Levine, Artistic Director, Metropolitan Opera New York